National Trial Championship 2018 – Olde Home Farm 24th June 2018

Entry is now open for the inaugural National Trial Championship to be held at Olde Home Farm, Kilnwick Percy, Pocklington, East Yorkshire, YO42 1UF

For the first time the Biketrial Federation will be organising a one off National Trials Championship held under the UCI rules for all classes on Sunday 24th June at Olde Home Farm, near Pocklington courtesy of the Ackerley family.
For more details and to sign up please visit
The Federation is using a new format for the competition which was very much favoured by riders and spectators at Round 2.
The White, Green and Blue riders will ride in the morning starting at 10.30am. Followed by the Black, Red and Yellow route riders starting at 2.00pm.
This format worked well, with the afternoon riders supporting and helping to observe the morning riders. Then in the afternoon those that had already rode could watch or help the later riders.